Automatic Meter Reading

West Kern Water District initiated a comprehensive water meter replacement project in 2015. The project was completed in Fall 2023.  The purpose of this effort was to upgrade West Kern’s water distribution system with an electronic reading capability, replace meters that have served beyond their estimated useful lives and implement a leak detection program for our service meters.


The AMR system will allow reads to be transmitted to the nearest cellular tower, which then uploads to EyeOnWater (portal access directions) every 24 hours. Water meters are the devices used to measure the amount of water delivered to our customers. Replacing old meters will ensure that West Kern can accurately track individual usage for billing purposes, monitor for leaks and assess community water demands. 


  • Ability to detect if a leak or backflow is occurring in your plumbing system
  • Improve the efficiency of meter reading and water billing
  • Save Staff time and fuel
  • Prevent reading and recording errors
  • Minimize the need for personnel to go on the property

Enroll Today

Go to, enter your Account Number, Service Address and Zip Code to start monitoring your water usage today!

Click here for an overview of EyeOnWater.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Are the new meters the same as the ones being replaced?

A: Yes, we have just added automated reading capability to the meter that will transmit the meter readings to a cellular device. These automated meters eliminate the need to obtain readings directly from the meter and therefore improve the efficiency and lower the cost of the meter reading program.

Q: Why do we need to replace the meters?

A: As with any measuring device, meters can become less accurate as they age. Water meters have a useful life of approximately 15 years after which the accuracy will diminish.

Q: How much will the meter cost me?

A: There is no charge for the new meter.

Q: Will my water bill increase?

A: Not necessarily; however, as meters age, they tend to run slower and lose accuracy over time. Depending on the age and accuracy of your existing meter, your bill could change based on the consumption associated with the new meter. The new meters will simply record consumption more accurately.

Q: What if there is a leak at the meter or any problem after the meter is replaced?

A: Please call the District Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 661.763.3151.

Q: Are domestic/residential customer meters included in the upgrade to the AMR system?

A: Not at this point, domestic/residential customer meters are in the planning stage for future upgrade to the AMR system, customers will be notified when this change takes place.

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